
Proofreading or editing: What’s the difference?

A publication or presentation free from grammatical or spelling errors is a credit to the professionalism of your organisation. Mistakes in spelling or grammar draw focus away from where it should be: on your message. It’s therefore a good idea to ensure all your communication conveys the same kind of care and attention you put into your product or service. Have you written a good, solid text? I can take it to the next level and deliver perfection.

means that I look over your text and correct any typos or errors in spelling or grammar. In doing so, I base my decisions on spelling, grammar and sentence structure on the leading Dutch reference works. A flawless Dutch text inspires confidence in your readers!

goes a step further than proofreading. It means I make adjustments to ensure a correct and consistent style, form and sentence structure, so that the message is tailored to your intended target audience. Naturally, I also correct any spelling or grammatical errors and typos. And when I’m finished, your text will be suitable for publication.

What I can do for you?
